jeudi 31 juillet 2014

One Piece Chapter 755 [Spoilers]

This topic is for posting and discussing One Piece Chapter 755 spoilers. Please be sure to read the spoiler rules and do not speak about the spoilers outside this thread until the chapter comes out.

One Piece Chapter 755 Spoilers

Quick Summary
Fan-art from Ishuhui


Detailed Summary
Credits to Aohige from APForum

Chapter 755: World of Men
The town Jinbe, kitty, and the dogcop were headed to dissappeared

Kanjuro draws ladders on the walls, and the prisoners rush to the surface.
He warns the ladders are fragile as they are, after all, paintings.

Meanwhile, Tontattas are rampaging in the SMILE factory.
The grunts of the Donquixote family tries to shoot them to death, but of course, the dwarves are too fast to be caught by fire.
The grunts attempt to contact Doflamingo, but are quickly taken down by Tail Hammer.

Princess Manshelly's servant Maujii is an elderly Tontatta, and he rushes to find his lady.
He charges into her room, but the room was actually just a storage room.
Meanwhile a different team of Tontattas opens the lock to the front door.

Franky heard the lock being open, and tells Senior Pink that there's an elderly woman who is in need in the street nearby.
Pink responds tough luck for her.

The team that opened the lock are being chased down by a large, obese woman. She is the Factory boss Kyuinn (pun meaning suction). She, like her namesake, uses a large vacuum cleaner to suck in the tontattas. She's too much for the little guys to handle, but Franky arrives just in time to save them.

Kyuiin tells Franky she'll kill him herself, but Franky gets behind her and hugs her.
Meanwhile, Senior Pink rushes to Franky, he realized he was being duped to helping a non-existent elderly lady.
As Pink returns, Franky suplexes Kyuiin onto Pink's head. Southland Suplex!

Kyuiin gets up, and starts yapping at Franky, and how she's the boss here, she has the right to terminate him, yada yada.
As she tells him she'll rip the innards out with her vacuum cleaner, Franky shuts her up by kissing her.

She immediately blushes and mumbles like a girl. Despite her look, she's only 20 years old.
She tells her he has to become her lover and such, but Pink tells her it's her fault for getting in the way of their "manly duel"
A little girl yapping about when grown men are fighting, what else can he do to close her mouth?
Franky also tells her a little girl who loses her control with just one kiss has no place talking about love and romance.
Both Franky and Pink agrees, romance with a little girl makes their stomach turn.

The two begins their "manly duel" with Diper Bomb and Nipple Light Special. LOL

Meanwhile, Pica is pissed that he let Rebecca through due to Zoro's interference.
He threatens Zoro that they won't get out of this country alive.

Rebecca's team are floating towards the palace, and a call comes in for Leo.
The Factory team reports that Princess Mansherry is nowhere to be found.

As group of citizens rush to capture Usopp and the King, Viola gets a report as well of missing Princess Mansherry.
The king speculates they must be keeping the princess captive in the palace. Doflamingo must want her ability.

Just as he guessed, the Princess is held in a small cell.
She is crying, wanting to go back to Green Bit. She calls out Leo's name.

End of chapter.

One Piece Chapter 754 [Spoilers]

This topic is for posting and discussing One Piece Chapter 754 spoilers. Please be sure to read the spoiler rules and do not speak about the spoilers outside this thread until the chapter comes out.

One Piece Chapter 754 Spoilers

Quick Summary
Fan-art by Ishuhui
'The man in the image is, Kanjuro.'


Detailed Summary
By Aohige_AP

Chapter 754 Please to make your acquaintance
The sea-cop-dog happens to live in the same town as the sea-kitty. He leads the way.

Kin'emon cries in joy as he is reunited with Kanjuro in the underground.
There are many others, including soldiers, trapped here as well.
Kanjurou "the shower" (as in sparse rain), samurai of the Wano, is a tall man dressed like Kabuki, sporting a large brush on his back.
As Kin apologize for taking so long, Kan tells him to worry not, with his power he would never starve.
Kan speaks with old-fashioned samurai speech pattern.

The two plan to leave the place.
As the other prisoners wonder how they are going to get out, Kan draws a large sparrow on the wall.
The sparrow comes to life, but due to Kan's terrible drawing skills it has a little hard time flying lol.
The soldiers beg to be taken with them back to the surface, they are worried of their king and the citizens.

The 2nd level of the palace
As the family grunts try to stop Luffy & co from advancing, Blue Gilly stops them with his kicks.
But Dillinger leaps to Gilly and knocks him out with a high-heel kick.
Luffy calls out the long-leg, but Cavendish tells him not to worry.

... This game is filled with lies, Caven tells him.
There's no way Doflamingo is planning to end this even with all the bounties caught.
At the moment his secrete about the exporting of weapons and turning people into toys became known, he will try to conceal it all by killing every one in the whole country. The only way to end this game is to take Doflamingo's head.
But Doflamingo made one big mistake... and that is bringin all these powerful people from around the world in the colisseum.
We are strong, and we will not fall. And most importantly... because I'm going to take out Dofla myself!

Luffy objects, saying he's the one to take out Mingo.
To which Law says no, me. Kyros objects as well, it is his duty to take the head of Dofla.
Luffy tells Kyros "I thought you were going after the officer!?"
But Kyros replies that is for a personal reason, it is his DUTY to restore King Riku's rule.

As the four argues on who is going to be the one to take on Doflamingo, they arrive at the 3rd stage.
Large figures blocks their way... creepy skeletal looking toy soldiers with large mouths stand in their way.

Meanwhile, Zoro vs Pica

Pica is already out of breath, and Zoro mocks him... how were you even thinking to take on the Straw Hat Luffy if you're already having trouble?
Pica shouts, and shoots out an extended long punch (like Luffy)
Zoro runs towards Pica's body as he slices the arm into three pieces.

Before Zoro reaches Pica's body, Pica's eyes lose light.
Zoro slices him in half, but notices Pica has "left the body" already. He ran away to the larger statue.
As Pica attacks Zoro with tentacles sprouting out of the statue, Zoro notices Robin and others gliding towards him.

Why are you guys flying!? Zoro exclaims
Robin tells her they need to get to the other side of the statue, and asks Zoro to hold the enemy off.
Pica notices Rebecca, and controls the statue to punch the three with his massive left arm.
Barto panics, his barrier isnt' large enough to withstand the size of the punch.

Zoro notices Pica had "entered" the body of the statue, and uses a massive 1080 Pound Canon to slice Pica's torso vertically, through the head!
Pica's "main body" is damage, and spews blood.
Zoro says he is getting the hang of how to fight Pica.

He tells Pica that Straw Hat Pirates isn't just about Straw Hat Luffy and God Usopp...
Remember me, for I will one day become the greatest swordsman in the world! You're not even on my level.

Barto is screaming in joy, almost passes out trying to say "Zoro sempai" ecstatically (it comes out gibberish, 'dorotempaaaeeee")

End of chapter

One Piece Chapter 751 [SPOILERS]

This topic is for posting and discussing One Piece Chapter 751 spoilers. Please be sure to read the spoiler rules and do not speak about the spoilers outside this thread until the chapter comes out.

One Piece Chapter 751 Spoilers

Quick Summary
Picture from Ishuhui

Detailed Summary
(Spoilers courtesy of Aohige of AP Forums)

Chapter 751: Sabo vs Admiral Fujitora
Cover Story 21: To our friends! (nakama)
A shabon covered ship floats in the ocean, many fish are gathering towards it.

Bastille warned the marines to not rush in head strong to Sabo, but they do... and get crushed.
One marine comments on how powerful Sabo's fingers are. He replies they are "claws", then crushes a bazooka with bare hand.

Bastille orders the men to withdraw, and he attacks with a massive sword.
The giant sword "Shark Cutter" is stopped by one hand by Sabo. His fingers crush into the sword, shattering it in half.
He then grabs Bastille's head with the other hand. Sabo tells him his "dragon claw" can easily crush the skull of a man.

Meanwhile, Fujitora summons a meteor, but the meteor is sliced into pieces by the birdcage.
Losing control, the sliced meteor falls on the city, destroying a large area of it.
Fujitora worries about the damage to the citizens, as he regrets the mistake.

Sabo emerges out of the flame holding Bastille's mask.
Fujitora asks him if he understands what he's gotten himself into, but Sabo nonchalantly replies he's not used to the fire form yet, he keeps dodging on instinct. He then proceeds to crush the mask of Bastille into pieces.

Fujitora asks him what relation he has to Ace.
Sabo answers the three of them swore brotherhood by exchanging sake.
He warns Fujitora, that if Luffy is in need, he will rush to his rescue no matter where he is, and whatever position he himself is in. On his mind is Ace's execution he still regrets to this day.

Fujitora realizes the time for words are past, and the two clash head strong, gravity and fire!


As Luffy and Ucy charges through horde of fodders, the colisseum warriors catches up.
Caven and others rush ahead of Luffy to the palace.

Fodders tries to shoot Ucy, but the Funk brothers appear to trash them.
They are here to lead Luffy to a secret passage they found.
Law asks Luffy when is he going to be freed of the cuffs, but Luffy says "It'll be alright! Let's just go!" lol

Jet & Abdullah are knocked off Ucy when they enter the passage, as the they hit their head on the roof of the entrance.
A denden mushi call to Luffy. "Hello, this is Luffy, the man who will be the Pirate King!"
It's Robin. The two exchange the report on their situation, and Robin informs Luffy and Law that Viola found the key to Law's cuffs.
The two sides promise to meet up at the 4th level. "Sunflower Field"

However, as they advance down the corridor, Luffy, Law and Ucy find themselves submerged in water, and at a dead end.
A man approach from behind.... Luffy turn around, and sees... Doflamingo!

End of chapter

One Piece Chapter 750 [SPOILERS]

This topic is for posting and discussing One Piece Chapter 750 spoilers. Please be sure to read the spoiler rules and do not speak about the spoilers outside this thread until the chapter comes out.

One Piece Chapter 750 Spoilers

Quick Summary

(Credits goes to Redon from Apforums )

- Color Spread based on Dressrosa characters.
- Rebecca and Bartolomeo will bring to Luffy the key for Law's handcuffs.
- Franky Vs Señor Pink, 2nd round.
- Sabo deals with Marines.

Detailed Summary

(Credits go to Aohige_AP of APforums)

Chapter 750: The State of War
Color cover is awesome, Luffy, Zoro, Law and Cavendish sitting on a sectional sofa, chilling.
The coliseum warriors are shown in their own panels behind.

As Pica's movement stops, the Coliseum warriors rush forward to the Palace.
The fodders tries to stop them, but are trampled easily.

Five officers watch the tide of battle from 2nd level of the palace.
Mach Vice, Dillinger, Gladius, Baby 5, and Lao G.
Leaving Zoro to fight with Pica, Luffy and Law are reaching the first level of the palace.

Meanwhile armed citizens chase after Kyros, asking him to give himself in.
But Kyros still has a duty to do, and rushes forth through them.

Usopp and Co (Barto, Robin, Tontattas, Hack, Rebecca) are reaching the the former palace grounds, then realizing the palace is no longer there. They are united with the King, and Viola returns with Law's key. She was looking for the key on her own.

The king asks why she's bothering with the pirates, but Viola tells him we can't count on the "justice" of marines, it was the government that empowered Doflamingo after all. She is putting her bets on the Straw Hat pirates. At least their words don't ring hollow, and blood runs through them. Their actions are with passion.
Leo agrees and also tells the shows God Usopp to the king (Usopp with victory sign, showing off coolness lol)
He tells the king the Straw Hats are heroes and he believes in them.

Rebecca offers to take the key to Lucy. Kabu and Leo will escort her, while the other Tontattas head to help Franky destroy the factory.

Franky side:
Franky is charging up his Radical Beam to destroy the factory, but Senior Pink swims to him and german suplex Franky.
Pink has come to the settle the score. The two face off.

The coliseum warriors have reached the outer walls of the palace, and are climbing it.
Dillinger is confused, both VA Vastille and Fujitora were leading the marines as defence, how could they arrive so quickly!?
But Baby 5, using binoculars, sees the reason...

A lone man stands in front of Fujitora, VA and the marines.
Fujitora asks the man to step out of the way. But Sabo responds he can't allow anyone who wishes harm to Luffy and his allies to pass.
Fujitora asks Sabo if that's the duty as a Revolutionary, but Sabo responds no. This is a duty as a brother.
Fujitora answers Is that so... just whose brother are you?

One Piece Chapter 748 [SPOILERS]

Chapter is out -

This topic is for posting and discussing One Piece Chapter 748 spoilers. Please be sure to read the spoiler rules and do not speak about the spoilers outside this thread until the chapter comes out.

One Piece Chapter 748 Spoilers

Quick Summary
Credits to Ishuhui

It seems all Corrida Colosseum fighters who reverted back from toys, will fight with Luffy and Law to defeat Doflamingo.

Detailed Summary
Credits to Aohige

Chapter 748 - My way of returning favor
Herculesun riding a white horse with glee

As Luffy bursts in laughter, Pica snaps and raises his arm to throw a punch.
Marines and Donquixote family members all run away as Pica's punch is equivalent of a city falling on them
Zoro tells Luffy to stop teasing the enemy, but he himself bursts out in laughter as well

The massive punch lands. Each finger larger than a building, the punch destroys a portion of the city and sends everyone flying.
Luffy and Zoro (and Law) land in the square near the Colisseum. Zoro has no idea how to defeat a stone giant larger than the size of Oars.

The trio meets Cavendish. Caven immediately attacks Law for being a "Worst Generation", but Luffy stops him.
He tells him he's one of his friends now, and Caven nods and tells him he will not go after any Strawhats. He owes his life to God Usopp.

Caven offers to take Doflamingo's head to return the favor, but Luffy refuses, saying that's his job.
Caven is upset Luffy is trying to become "more popular". He then fantasizes what would happen if he takes the head of Doflamingo and becomes super star, but Luffy doesn't have time for this, and leaves taking Zoro and Law with him. (Cavendish doesn't notice, of course)

As Luffy runs, many colisseum warriors appear before them.
Chinjao family comes to say thanks, and swears to take Doflamingo's head to return favor to God Usopp.
Hajrudin, Elizabello, Abdulla & Jet, Oolumbus, Ideo, Slayman, Blue Gill comes forth as well, stating the same.

Luffy is adamant he's the one to take down Doflamingo, and gets in an argument with them.
They all claim they'll be the one to defeat Dofla.

A horde of warriors who were formerly toys come chasing Luffy down for the bounty, but with this many powerful allies, the horde is taken out immediately. Luffy spots Ushi and rejoices in the reunion.

A grunt reports to Pica that there's no trace of Straw Hat's body
Pica vows to stop anyone from getting Doflamingo... but a shadow of a bull appears in front of them.

It's Ucy, carrying Luffy, Law, Zoro (and Abdulla and Jet who Luffy is trying to shove off the bull).
Behind him are Chinjao and other powerful warriors.
They charge at Pica.

Pica, intending to squish these pests, reaches out to them with his massive hand.
Chinjao uses an ultimate attack "Kirikugi", and Elizabello shoots out a "Light King Punch".
The two powerful attacks completely shatter Pica's massive castle-sized left arm.

Luffy tells the warriors behind him to stop following him, but they return "shut up, we owe you!"

End of chapter

One Piece Chapter 747 [SPOILERS]

The pirates, soldier, and other people who reverted back from toys gush out of the coliseum.
Among them is VA Maynard, who is being scolded by VA Bastille for going undercover on his own.
He apologizes to Bastille, and reports what he witnessed. Doflamingo's influence is wide spread, if we arrest Doflamingo, the world balance may tip a little.

Meanwhile Koala infiltrates the underground docks, and finds out some of the pirate ships are disguised merchant ships from other countries, here to do blackmarket trades.

Maynard asks why Fujitora isn't arresting Doflamingo right away. He will no longer be able to stay a shichibukai, we have no reason not to go after him. But Isshou tells him to listen to the cries of the people in this nation. They are not sad, they are enraged. The World Government are not gods, and you will follow my orders.


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Trebol asks Dofla why they don't need to protect the factory.
Dofla tells him it's protected by seastones, and the keys are here.
He shows the keys, then splits them into pieces, making it impossible to reach the factory.

Trebol and Diamante makes excuses for their failure.
Lao G demands them to stop making pathetic excuses, but Dofla pardons the two.
Diamante asks Dofla what they should do about Fujitora, and Dofla tells them he has made a deal with Fujitora, he will not interfere.
But after this is all said and done, they'll kill Fujitora. It won't be easy, but we can't allow him to live.

Pica says if both Pirates and Marines are fair game, I can deal with them alone.
(apparently Pica's voice is very high pitched, and fodders try not to laugh)
Dofla says to leave them be, he has given the people of this country a choice. To choose who is the rightful king, Riku or Donquioxte.
Pica insists he go after them, but one of the fodder bursts out laughing.

Pica attempts to bury the insolent man in stone, but Baby 5 shoots the man first.
She tells Pica if he kills him there would be no body left for the man's family.
The fodder man who was shot was tossed out of the castle, and falls to the ground

Dofla says he lost his mother at age of 8. And at 10, he killed his own father.
Officers of the Donquixote family are his real family. They are all he has.
He will not forgive ANYONE who laughs at his family.

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Vice, Pink, and Dellinger are looking for Franky.
Franky used the extra cola he had stashed for destroying the factory to refill himself and get away.
He spots the factory (risen above the ground now) and decides to shoot it with lasers.

A big rubber ball falls near Mach Vice and Pink. It's Luffy with Law and Zoro
The three finds themselves surrounded by the officers and marines.
Luffy realizes he fell to the worst place possible, and Law tells Luffy when he's free he'll kill him. lol
But Zoro says no matter where they fall it's bad, the whole nation is filled with enemies now.

Pink swims to Luffy and grabs his legs, while Vice jumps in the air and presses down with "10t Vice".
Dellinger tries to kick Luffy's face with "Pistol High heel", but Zoro kicks him into Vice, making Dellinger's kick land on Vice's ass.

As citizens and marines tries to shoot Luffy and others, Luffy prepares to use the King's haki to knock them all down.
But Fujitora steps in to stop them both.

Usopp and others are still fleeing, Robin guides them to reach the high ground to meet up with the rest, while Bart uses the barrier to stop the incoming horde. Sabo split from them, going about on his own.

As Fujitora and Zoro clash swords again, citizens are running from something huge.
It's Pica... he merged with the whole town, becoming a MASSIVE giant.... (bigger than Oars, smaller or rivaling San Juan Wolf)
He declares to fight anyone opposing the family, but Luffy immediately bursts out laughing at his voice.
Pica snaps at the Straw Hat's insolence.

End of chapter



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mercredi 30 juillet 2014

One Piece 755 spoiler[Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 755  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 755 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 754 has been released now!!! Read it now!!!  

One Piece 754 "Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance" Summary:

Kin'emon has finally found Kanjuro who was hiding in the walls of the scrap heap. After a brief reunion, Kanjuro uses his ability to create a poorly drawn sparrow to fly them out to the surface, but the trapped Dressrosa citizens and soldiers begged to be taken along as well.

At the new palace tower, the colosseum army are still clashing with the Donquixote army allowing Luffy, Law, Kyros and Cavendish to escape towards the third level in order to reach level four. Cavendish tells Luffy that Doflamingo's greatest mistake was to allow so many strong fighters from different countries to arrive on Dressrosa sowing the seeds of his downfall. Once they reached the third level, the group ran into several giant puppet soldiers blocking their path to level four.

On the Pica statue, the duel between Pica and Zoro was interrupted by the arrival of Robin's group who asked him to defeat Pica so that they can meet Luffy at level four. Pica then disappear only to reappear at the neck of the statue and controlling the arm into smashing the Straw Hats, but Zoro quickly sends a powerful attack at Pica, wounding him.



What do you think about one piece chapter 754? 

One Piece 754 Spoiler Trivia: In an episode of Inuyasha while at the school, a kid dressed like Monkey D. Luffy makes a minor appearance.


If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.




One Piece 755 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

One Piece 756 spoiler[Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 756  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 756 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 755 has been released now!!! Read it now!!!  


What do you think about one piece chapter 755? 

One Piece 755 Spoiler Trivia: Oda once stated Zoro was best represented by a shark, and the cover of Chapter 3 (in which he was introduced) shows a picture of Luffy riding on the back of a shark.


If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.




One Piece 756 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

Naruto 688 spoilers[Predictions & Discussions]

Naruto 688 spoilers!!! NARUTO 688 Predictions&Discussions!!! 


Naruto 687 has been released now!!! Enjoy the new chapter!


What do you think about  naruto chapter 687?  


Naruto 687 Spoiler Trivia:Volume 68 marks the first time Obito’s entire face has been seen on a manga cover (albeit from his younger days).


If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.





Naruto 688 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

Fairy Tail 395 spoilers[Predictions & Discussion]

Fairy Tail 395 spoilers!!! Fairy Tail 395 Predictions and Discussions !!! Fairy Tail 394 has been released now!!

what do you think about ch 394?



If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.




Fairy Tail 395 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

Bleach 591 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

Bleach 591 Spoilers!!! Bleach 591 Prediction and Discussions!!! Bleach 590  has been released now!!!

Bleach 591 Spoiler SUmmaries

Trans: Papaton

Jump cover: Ichigo

Colour page: Dem Shinigamis

This chapter mainly shows the battle between the four Arrancar and Shingami

Gigi’s Battle continues!

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Gigi seems to have summoned a new Zombie – Hitsugaya


Bleach 590 "Marching Out the ZOMBIES" Summary:



Giselle asks Mayuri who he is because she cannot see him through the shining of his clothing, prompting Mayuri to say great opponents always shine. As Ikkaku and Yumichika note they can tell who he is because of his voice and the fact that only he would have such a flashy entrance, Bambietta moves in front of Giselle and begins to say she wants something of Giselle's. However, Giselle slaps her away and tells Bambietta she will reward her when this is over, prompting a tearful Bambietta to agree. When Bambietta launches bombs at him, Mayuri has Nemu pull him away and unleashes several spherical objects, which hit the bombs but do not explode. However, they explode after a delay of three seconds as Mayuri explains to Giselle how the spheres fix Reishi for a set period of time. Noting The Explode will not work, Giselle summons dozens of zombified Shinigami to fight for her. Upon seeing this, Mayuri states he will have people with no attachment to the Shinigami kill them and brings out four zombie Arrancar - Charlotte, Luppi, Dordoni, and Cirucci.


what do you think about ch 590?

Bleach 591 Spoiler Trivia: According to the Bleach: Official Character Book SOULs, Mayuri’s Zanpakuto has the ability to turn whatever it cuts to liquid. However, this has yet to be shown in the manga or the anime.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Bleach 591 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!