jeudi 31 juillet 2014

One Piece Chapter 755 [Spoilers]

This topic is for posting and discussing One Piece Chapter 755 spoilers. Please be sure to read the spoiler rules and do not speak about the spoilers outside this thread until the chapter comes out.

One Piece Chapter 755 Spoilers

Quick Summary
Fan-art from Ishuhui


Detailed Summary
Credits to Aohige from APForum

Chapter 755: World of Men
The town Jinbe, kitty, and the dogcop were headed to dissappeared

Kanjuro draws ladders on the walls, and the prisoners rush to the surface.
He warns the ladders are fragile as they are, after all, paintings.

Meanwhile, Tontattas are rampaging in the SMILE factory.
The grunts of the Donquixote family tries to shoot them to death, but of course, the dwarves are too fast to be caught by fire.
The grunts attempt to contact Doflamingo, but are quickly taken down by Tail Hammer.

Princess Manshelly's servant Maujii is an elderly Tontatta, and he rushes to find his lady.
He charges into her room, but the room was actually just a storage room.
Meanwhile a different team of Tontattas opens the lock to the front door.

Franky heard the lock being open, and tells Senior Pink that there's an elderly woman who is in need in the street nearby.
Pink responds tough luck for her.

The team that opened the lock are being chased down by a large, obese woman. She is the Factory boss Kyuinn (pun meaning suction). She, like her namesake, uses a large vacuum cleaner to suck in the tontattas. She's too much for the little guys to handle, but Franky arrives just in time to save them.

Kyuiin tells Franky she'll kill him herself, but Franky gets behind her and hugs her.
Meanwhile, Senior Pink rushes to Franky, he realized he was being duped to helping a non-existent elderly lady.
As Pink returns, Franky suplexes Kyuiin onto Pink's head. Southland Suplex!

Kyuiin gets up, and starts yapping at Franky, and how she's the boss here, she has the right to terminate him, yada yada.
As she tells him she'll rip the innards out with her vacuum cleaner, Franky shuts her up by kissing her.

She immediately blushes and mumbles like a girl. Despite her look, she's only 20 years old.
She tells her he has to become her lover and such, but Pink tells her it's her fault for getting in the way of their "manly duel"
A little girl yapping about when grown men are fighting, what else can he do to close her mouth?
Franky also tells her a little girl who loses her control with just one kiss has no place talking about love and romance.
Both Franky and Pink agrees, romance with a little girl makes their stomach turn.

The two begins their "manly duel" with Diper Bomb and Nipple Light Special. LOL

Meanwhile, Pica is pissed that he let Rebecca through due to Zoro's interference.
He threatens Zoro that they won't get out of this country alive.

Rebecca's team are floating towards the palace, and a call comes in for Leo.
The Factory team reports that Princess Mansherry is nowhere to be found.

As group of citizens rush to capture Usopp and the King, Viola gets a report as well of missing Princess Mansherry.
The king speculates they must be keeping the princess captive in the palace. Doflamingo must want her ability.

Just as he guessed, the Princess is held in a small cell.
She is crying, wanting to go back to Green Bit. She calls out Leo's name.

End of chapter.

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